Smart Running Training Class - Beginner
تعداد جلسات:
12 جلسه عملی
Capacity Full
شروع کلاس: سه شنبه 6 اردیبهشت ماه 1401
Venue: Yas-e Fatemi Park
ساعت برگزاری: 6:30 الی 8:00 صبح
Class Fee: 959.200 Tomans
14 peopleClass duration:
90 minutesEvent day(s):
The three odd days of the weekWho is this course suitable for:
Beginners and those who want to lose weight.Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.
What you will learn in this course:
You will get to learn different training systems.You will experience different types of running.
You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.
After this course you will:
Your running form will be improved to some extent.Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
You will be prepared to enter the next course.