Saman Virtual Challenge
2020 September 14, Monday / Distance: 10 or 21 km
Start point: Anywhere You are

Event is Finished!

About Event

Challenge details:

Tehrun Club has a virtual challenge again and this time it is doing it with the cooperation and support of "Saman Financial Group".
To participate in this challenge, you must first enter the Tehrun Club website and specify how many kilometers you want to run by selecting the Saman Virtual Challenge from the options of 10 km and 21 km.
After registration, you can download the bib number, of course, it will also be sent to your email address, and now it's time to become a member of the Saman club on the Strava application. From the 14th to the 21st of September, you have one week to run the kilometers of your choice continuously, once or as many times as you like, and then record the fastest time as your record on Strava.
Just be aware that instead of running a few kilometers every day, you should run your chosen kilometers one or more times, and if you don't know Strava, you can obtain information about it on @Tehrun_runningclub Instagram highlight.
Keep in mind that this challenge is held completely free of charge.


Registration in Strava Club Saman 

For the first timers:

Those who are just going to become a runner or are taking part in such a challenge for the first time should know that a virtual running challenge is a sports event that anyone can run individually at any time and place that has the conditions and register their progress through applications such as Strava that are designed for this purpose in mind. This means entering the challenge with the aim of strengthening health and raising morale, without actually being together.

Rules of participation in the challenge:

By confirming the registration form at Tehrun Running Club, I declare that I have read all the following items and am committed to doing them:
1: I have reviewed the training route in advance and am aware of all the environmental factors and urban obstacles along the route.
2: During the exercise, it is required to use sports equipment and use sidewalks and safe routes for pedestrians, and if there is a requirement to cross intersections, avoid any dangerous movement by maintaining precautions and respecting the right of way.
3: I have the appropriate health and physiological preparation to participate in the exercise and in case of any injury such as shortness of breath, heart problems, bone damage, etc., I take responsibility for the medical consequences and assistance.
4: I am required to comply with all the written laws of the Islamic Republic regarding clothing, behavior, and social norms. And I bear all the consequences of not complying with these principles.
5: My participation is because of sports activities and I do not pursue any political or social goals.
6: I take responsibility for the care and protection of all my personal belongings during training.
I agree with all the above conditions. (By confirming the above, I waive the right of any complaint from Tehrun Club’s staff and members)

Challenge prizes: 112 prizes totaling 45 million Tomans:
• The first place to third place of women positions (record holders) for 21 km, 2 million tomans per person
• The first to third places of men positions (record holders) for 21 kilometers, 2 million tomans per person
• First to third women positions (record holders) for 10 kilometers, 500 thousand tomans per person
• First to third men positions (record holders) for 10 kilometers, 500 thousand tomans per person
• Women finishers for 21 km, 25 people by lottery, each person 400 thousand tomans
• Men finishers for 21 kilometers by lottery of 25 people, each person 400 thousand tomans
• Men finishers for 10 kilometers by lottery of 25 people, each person 400 thousand tomans
• Women finishers for 10 km, 25 people by lottery, each person 400 thousand tomans
• Finisher t-shirt for all 112 winners
• Downloadable electronic certificate for all finishers

Click on the ‘get certificate’ link to download your certificate


