Smart Running Training Class - Beginner

Who is this course suitable for:
  • Beginners and those who want to lose weight.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.


What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.


After this course you will:
  • Your running form will be improved to some extent.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • You will be prepared to enter the next course.


جهت مشاهده لوکیشن بوستان یاس فاطمی کلیک کنید.

Express Running Class

Who is this course suitable for:
  • ورزشکاران رشته های مختلف که قصد بالا بردن توان قلب و عروق خود را دارند.
  • ورزشکاران غیر دونده ای که میخواهند میزان کالری مصرفی هفتگی خود را افزایش دهند.
  • ورزشکارانی که میخواهند با اصول اولیه دویدن آشنا شوند.
  • کسانی که فقط یک جلسه در هفته امکان دویدن دارند و میخواهند دونده بهتری باشند.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.

(این دوره برای تبدیل شدن به یک دونده هر روزه یا حرفه ای مناسب نیست)

آنچه در این جلسه تمرینی اتفاق می افتد:
  • به صورت اصولی گرم کردن اختصاصی قبل از تمرین دویدن را انجام می دهیم.
  • 4 مدل تمرین موبیلیتی یا داینامیک وارم آپ را تجربه خواهیم کرد.
  • 2 مدل از تمرینات سرعت و اسپرینت را تجربه خواهیم نمود.
  • 20 تا 30 دقیقه دوی گروهی انجام خواهیم داد.
  • به صورت اختصاصی کشش های بعد از تمرین دویدن و سرد کردن را انجام خواهیم داد.
شما بعد از این جلسه:
  • توان قلبی عروقی شما کمی بهبود خواهد یافت.
  • کالری مصرفی روزانه و هفتگی شما افزایش خواهد یافت.
  • به صورت اصولی یک جلسه تمرینی کامل دویدن را تجربه نموده اید.
  • هر هفته یک جلسه تمرینی هوازی به مجموع تمرینات شما اضافه میشود.
  • در صورت علاقه مندی به دویدن و تبدیل شدن به یک دوند آماتور میتوانید از دوره های دویدن هوشمندانه استفاده کنید.


جهت مشاهده لوکیشن بوستان یاس فاطمی کلیک کنید.

Smart Running Training Class - Beginner

Who is this course suitable for:
  • Beginners and those who want to lose weight.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.


What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.


After this course you will:
  • Your running form will be improved to some extent.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • You will be prepared to enter the next course.


جهت مشاهده لوکیشن پارک پردیسان کلیک کنید.

Smart Running Training Class - Beginner

Who is this course suitable for:
  • Beginners and those who want to lose weight.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.
What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.
After this course you will:
  • Your running form will be improved to some extent.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • You will be prepared to enter the next course.

Express Running Class

Who is this course suitable for:
  • ورزشکاران رشته های مختلف که قصد بالا بردن توان قلب و عروق خود را دارند.
  • ورزشکاران غیر دونده ای که میخواهند میزان کالری مصرفی هفتگی خود را افزایش دهند.
  • ورزشکارانی که میخواهند با اصول اولیه دویدن آشنا شوند.
  • کسانی که فقط یک جلسه در هفته امکان دویدن دارند و میخواهند دونده بهتری باشند.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.

(این دوره برای تبدیل شدن به یک دونده هر روزه یا حرفه ای مناسب نیست)

آنچه در این جلسه تمرینی اتفاق می افتد:
  • به صورت اصولی گرم کردن اختصاصی قبل از تمرین دویدن را انجام می دهیم.
  • 4 مدل تمرین موبیلیتی یا داینامیک وارم آپ را تجربه خواهیم کرد.
  • 2 مدل از تمرینات سرعت و اسپرینت را تجربه خواهیم نمود.
  • 20 تا 30 دقیقه دوی گروهی انجام خواهیم داد.
  • به صورت اختصاصی کشش های بعد از تمرین دویدن و سرد کردن را انجام خواهیم داد.
شما بعد از این جلسه:
  • توان قلبی عروقی شما کمی بهبود خواهد یافت.
  • کالری مصرفی روزانه و هفتگی شما افزایش خواهد یافت.
  • به صورت اصولی یک جلسه تمرینی کامل دویدن را تجربه نموده اید.
  • هر هفته یک جلسه تمرینی هوازی به مجموع تمرینات شما اضافه میشود.
  • در صورت علاقه مندی به دویدن و تبدیل شدن به یک دوند آماتور میتوانید از دوره های دویدن هوشمندانه استفاده کنید.


جهت مشاهده لوکیشن بوستان یاس فاطمی کلیک کنید.

Smart Running Class - Online

(Click to receive advice via WhatsApp)
This class is designed for two levels of preparation:
  • 10 Km
  • Half Marathon (21.1 km) and Marathon (42.2 km)
The process of holding a class:
  • The duration of the course is 8 weeks
  • ۴۰ برنامه تمرینی
  • 6 group running sessions with the Tehran club team on Fridays
  • 4 face-to-face technique correction sessions
What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You learn the basic movements or abc of athletics in the correct way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.
After this course you will:
  • You will see your record improve compared to the leveling session.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • Your stamina will increase.
How to hold an online class:
  • The training program is provided online every week.
  • Each session, the instructor provides a brief explanation about the program and how to implement it online.
  • Doing the exercise individually and at the desired time and place.
  • The results of your training will be checked by the assistant coach and the necessary feedback will be sent online.
  • Each class includes 2 to 4 face-to-face or online sessions to solve problems and improve technique.

Smart Running Class - Online

(Click to receive advice via WhatsApp)
This class is designed for two levels of preparation:
  • 10 Km
  • Half Marathon (21.1 km) and Marathon (42.2 km)
The process of holding a class:
  • The duration of the course is 8 weeks
  • ۴۰ برنامه تمرینی
  • 6 group running sessions with the Tehran club team on Fridays
  • 4 face-to-face technique correction sessions
What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You learn the basic movements or abc of athletics in the correct way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.
After this course you will:
  • You will see your record improve compared to the leveling session.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • Your stamina will increase.
How to hold an online class:
  • The training program is provided online every week.
  • Each session, the instructor provides a brief explanation about the program and how to implement it online.
  • Doing the exercise individually and at the desired time and place.
  • The results of your training will be checked by the assistant coach and the necessary feedback will be sent online.
  • Each class includes 2 to 4 face-to-face or online sessions to solve problems and improve technique.

Smart Running Class - Online

(Click to receive advice via WhatsApp)
This class is designed for two levels of preparation:
  • 10 Km
  • Half Marathon (21.1 km) and Marathon (42.2 km)
The process of holding a class:
  • The duration of the course is 8 weeks
  • ۴۰ برنامه تمرینی
  • 6 group running sessions with the Tehran club team on Fridays
  • 4 face-to-face technique correction sessions
What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You learn the basic movements or abc of athletics in the correct way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.
After this course you will:
  • You will see your record improve compared to the leveling session.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • Your stamina will increase.
How to hold an online class:
  • The training program is provided online every week.
  • Each session, the instructor provides a brief explanation about the program and how to implement it online.
  • Doing the exercise individually and at the desired time and place.
  • The results of your training will be checked by the assistant coach and the necessary feedback will be sent online.
  • Each class includes 2 to 4 face-to-face or online sessions to solve problems and improve technique.

Smart Running Training Class - Beginner

Who is this course suitable for:
  • Beginners and those who want to lose weight.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.


What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.


After this course you will:
  • Your running form will be improved to some extent.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • You will be prepared to enter the next course.

Smart Running Training Class - Beginner

Who is this course suitable for:
  • Beginners and those who want to lose weight.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.
What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.
After this course you will:
  • Your running form will be improved to some extent.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • You will be prepared to enter the next course.

Smart Running Training Class - Beginner

Who is this course suitable for:
  • Beginners and those who want to lose weight.
  • Non-runners who want to start running in a proper way.


What you will learn in this course:
  • You will get to learn different training systems.
  • You will experience different types of running.
  • You will learn the basic movements or the ABC of track and field in the proper way.
  • You will get to learn a little about runners’ bodybuilding and functional training.
  • In short, at the beginning of each practical training session, you will be familiarized with the theoretical topics of physical and physiological fitness, nutrition, and exercise science.


After this course you will:
  • Your running form will be improved to some extent.
  • Your cardiovascular fitness will improve.
  • You will be prepared to enter the next course.