تمرینات دویدن در شیب

دویدن در شیبوقتی برای اولین بار شروع به دویدن می‌کنید، کار سختی در پیش دارید. بسیار سنگین نفس می‌کشید و مغزتان فریاد می‌کشد که بس کنید.

ولی اگر به آن پایبند باشید، طولی نخواهد کشید که بتوانید هنگام دویدن با همراهان خود گپ هم بزنید.

در این نقطه، مربیان می‌دانند که شما باید یک چالش جدید برای خودتان ایجاد کنید، در غیر این صورت پیشرفت بدنی شما کند خواهد شد. اینجاست که تمرین در شیب مطرح می‌شود. این بهترین چالشیست که بعد از ایجاد بیس سَبک دویدن خود می‌توانید داشته باشید.

به همین دلیل است که شما یک برنامه دویدن در شیب را در بخشی از توالی برنامه‌های من برای ایجاد یک چرخه آموزشی کامل مشاهده می‌کنید.

فواید دویدن در شیب:

با تمرین کردن در تپه شما می‌توانید:

  • VO2max خود را تقویت کنید
  • بهتره با تجمع اسید لاکتیک مقابله کنید
  • عملکرد پاها را بهبود بخشید
  • تمرینات افورت بیس (سختی محور) را بیاموزید زیرا در تمرینات شیب افورت  مهم‌تر از سرعت یا ضربان قلب است
  • سرسختی ذهنی بیشتری ایجاد کنید
  • بی‌حوصلگی ناشی از یکنواختی دویدن را از بین ببرید

و عزیزان من این رِنج گسترده‌ای از پیشرفت برای یک دونده است. به زحمتش می‌ارزد.

فواید دویدن در شیب

دویدن در شیب بسته به نحوه‌ی تمرین کردن هر دونده و مربی می‌‌تواند متفاوت باشد. اکثر مربیان هم مثل من از تمرینات شیب به چهار روش کلیدی استفاده می‌کنند:

  • مقدمه‌ای بر دویدن سریعتر برای دوندگان تازه کار
  • به عنوان یک مرحله تمرینی قبل از شروع کار سرعتی
  • به عنوان یک تمرین تخصصی در یک برنامه تمرینی برای آماده شدن برای یک مسیر مسابقه پر شیب
  • به عنوان راهی برای تقویت تناسب اندام بر مبنای تمرینات افورت بیس (تلاش محور)

بهترین انواع تمرینات در شیب

ست‌های شیب‌های طولانی (لانگ هیل)

شیب‌های طولانی در یک شیب تدریجی انجام می‌شود و حدود دو تا سه دقیقه طول می‌کشد.
شما با کوششی نسبتا بالا می‌دوید (باید حس دویدن 10K را داشته باشید). در بالا، دور می‌زنید و قبل از شروع دوباره به آرامی به پایین تپه می‌دوید.
اکثر دوندگان متوجه می‌شوند که چهار تا هشت ست برای یک تمرین طولانی در شیب مطلوب است.

هر از گاهی در شیب‌های منفی سرعت خود را افزایش دهید تا بهترین تکنیک سراشیبی خود را پیدا کنید. اینگونه سریع‌تر دویدن در شیب‌های منفی را زیاد انجام ندهید، فقط در دوزهای کم، دویدن در شیب‌های منفی به شما کمک می‌کند بهترین تکنیک خود را پیدا کنید.

ست‌های شیب‌های طولانی

Note: تمرینات در شیب بر پایه افورت بیس (تلاش محور) هستند و نه بر پایه سرعت (ویدیو در اینجا). شما در سربالایی آهسته‌تر می‌دوید، اما معیار اصلی این است که باید تلاشتان مانند یک مسابقه مشخص باشد.
به عنوان مثال، در شیب طولانی اشاره شده در بالا، تمرینات سختی محور مسابقه 10K لازم است نه سرعت مسابقه 10K.
روی فرم خوب با پوش‌آف قدرتی و چرخش قدرتی بازو تمرکز کنید. برای ریکاوری کردن شیب را به آرامی پایین بدوید.
همچنین می‌توانید با دویدن در سرعت 10K، تکنیک دویدن در شیب منفی خود را تمرین کنید. بدن خود را تحت کنترل نگه دارید و این پایین آمدن‌ها را به تدریج اضافه کنید زیرا احتمالاً آخر کار درد خواهید داشت.

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ست‌های شیب‌های متوسط (مدیوم هیل)

شیب‌های متوسط در سرازیری‌های نسبتاً تند انجام می‌شود و 45 تا 60 ثانیه طول می‌کشد. تمرینات افورت بیس (تلاش محور) در آن “سخت” است و برای اکثر دوندگان حدودا با مسابقه 5K برابری می‌کند. مانند شیب‌های طولانی، زمانی که به بالا دست رسیدید، به سادگی می‌چرخید و قبل از شروع ست بعدی، برای ریکاوری کردن شیب را به آرامی پایین می‌دوید. هشت تا 12 ست برای شیب‌های متعدل خوب است.

ست‌های شیب‌های معتدلNote: برخی از دوندگان به تمرینات مبتنی بر افورت بیس (سختی محور) عادت ندارند، بنابراین در اینجا نشان می‌دهیم که تمرین در شیب چه حسّی دارد. بیایید از ست‌های شیب متوسط به عنوان مثال استفاده کنیم. این تمرین باید حسی شبیه به 5K داشته باشد، بنابراین چند ست اول باید شبیه کیلومترهای اولیه 5K باشد – سریع اما کنترل شده و می‌توانید نفس خود را در شیب منفی و هنگام نرم دوی ریکاوری بازیابی کنید.

ست‌های میانی باید مانند کیلومترهای وسط یک 5K احساس شود – سخت شدن، تنفس سخت، پاها احساس سنگینی می‌کنند و ریکاوری در سراشیبی سخت تر می‌شود. ست‌های آخر باید شبیه آخرین کیلومترهای 5K باشد – نیاز هست به تمرکز ذهنی بالا برای ادامه دادن و جلوگیری از از هم گسیختگی فرمتان. نفس شما بسیار سنگین است و ممکن است قبل از پایین دویدن سراشیبی به چند ثانیه استراحت نیاز داشته باشید.

ست‌های شیب‌های تند (استیپ هیل)

همانطور که از نام آن پیداست، تمرینات شیب‌های تند بر روی شیب‌های تند اجرا می‌شوند. با این حال، آنها تنها 10 تا 15 ثانیه طول می‌کشند، بنابراین سریع با پایان می‌رسند. از آنجایی که کوتاه و با شیب تند هستند، افورت این تمرینات بسیار زیاد و سخت هستند. (نزدیک افورت دویدن برای رکورد یک مایل).
ست‌های شیب‌های تند
ایده پشت ست‌های این شیب‌های بسیار کوتاه و تند این است که شما به ندرت حداکثر قدرت عضلانی خود در حین دویدن به استفاده می‌کنید (حتی هنگام دویدن سرعتی) بنابراین این تمرینات با کمک کردن به تقویت بکارگیری کامل از رشته‌های عضلانی، احتمالا به بهبود عملکرد و پیشگیری از آسیب نیز کمک می‌کنند.

پیست شیب‌دار (هیل سیرکتس)

نوع مورد علاقه من از تمرینات شیب، پیست‌های شیب‌دار هستند. این تمرین توسط مربی من، آرتور لیدیارد، عمومیت پیدا کرد، بنابراین من به طور طبیعی به آن علاقه دارم. در پیست شیب، شما نه تنها مانند سایر تمرینات در شیب می‌دوید، بلکه عناصر دیگری را نیز در سراسر مسیر پیست قرار در نظر می‌گیرید.

پیست شیب‌دار (هیل سیرکتس)
در پیست شیب‌دار معروف لیدیارد، دوندگان شیب‌های متوسط را قدرتی می‌دویدند و سپس در بالای شیب استراحت می‌کنند. پس از ریکاوری و قبل از دویدن شیب منفی، آنها چندین گام سرعتی کوتاه برای افزایش سرعت پا برمیدارند. زمانی که به پایین رسیدند، قبل از استراید های بیشتر دوباره استراحت می‌کنند. اگر مسیرهایی دارید که در بالا و پایین سطح  صاف دارند، توصیه می‌کنم پیست شیب لیدیارد را در برنامه خود قرار دهید.

شیب‌نوردی طولانی (لانگ هیل کلایمب)

تمرین معمول ورزشکاران در اولین تیم تمرینی المپیک که من مربیگری کردم، شیب‌نوردی استقامتی بود. در کمپ مان، ما یک شیب 20K داشتیم که ورزشکاران هفته ای یک بار آن را می‌دویدند. این یک مسابقه نبود، بلکه افورتی بود بسیار شدید که بیش از یک ساعت طول کشید.
اکثر مربیان دریافته اند که هر شیب‌نوردی استقامتی که بین 30 دقیقه تا یک ساعت طول می‌کشد عالی عمل می‌کند. البته، شما باید به چنین مسیر شیب‌داری دسترسی داشته باشید، بنابراین این نوع تمرین معمولاً فقط برای دوندگان ساکن در مناطق کوهستانی در دسترس است.
شیب‌نوردی استقامتی

دو پر شیب (هیلی رانز)

البته ساده ترین نوع تمرین در شیب برای همه دوندگانی که در مناطقی با پستی بلندی زیاد زندگی می‌کنند این است که هر از گاهی این در همین پستی بلندی ها بدوند.

هنگام دویدن در یک مسیر پر از پستی بلندی، گاها شیب‌های مثبت را هجومی بدوید و در برخی مواقع، شیب‌های منفی را سریعتر بدوید. با گذشت زمان، این مواجهه مکرر با دویدن در شیب مثبت و شیب منفی تناسب اندام شما را تا حد زیادی بهبود می‌بخشد.

فرم مناسب دویدن در شیب

هیچ فرم دویدن در شیب (مثبت یا منفی) واحدی برای همه دوندگان وجود ندارد. اما، شما باید فرمی را پیدا کنید که برای شما مناسب تر است. بنابراین، من شما را تشویق می‌کنم که در طول این تمرینات با تکنیک‌های دویدن در شیب مثبت و شیب منفی خود بازی کنید.

در برخی ست ها بدنتان را به جلو متمایل کنید در برخی دیگر بیشتر به عقب. به این فکر کنید که زانوهای خود را در برخی مواقع به جلو و سپس در ست های دیگر، روی به عقب ضربه زدن تمرکز کنید.

فرم مناسب دویدن در شیبهمین کار را با دستان خود انجام دهید (در برخی مواقع بالا کتف بزنید و برخی مواقع پایین). بازی بازی کنید. آزمایش کنید. ببینید چه چیزی برای شما کار می‌کند.

فرم دویدن در شیب مثبت

چهار نکته کلیدی برای بهبود فرم دویدن در شیب مثبت وجود دارد:

وضعیت بدن

بر خلاف جهت شیب متمایل شوید و در واقع به شیب تکیه کنید. شما هنوز هم می خواهید راست بدوید، اما بدن شما باید در حین دویدن به شیب مسیر تکیه دهد. همچنین، حتما به بالا نگاه کنید. تمایل این است که به زمین نگاه کنید اما چشمان و سر خود را بالا نگه دارید. به بالای شیب نگاه کنید، متوجه خواهید شد که در حالت راست دویدن خود می‌مانید و به درستی به شیب تکیه می‌دهید.

فرم دویدن در شیب مثبتحرکت دست

پاها همان کاری را می‌کنند که دست ها انجام می‌دهند. با حرکت دادن شدت بازوهای خود به سمت بالای شیب می‌توانید بهتر سرعت خود را حفظ کنید.

آهنگ و ریتم (Cadence)

گام‌های سریع‌تر و کوتاه‌تر معمولاً بهتر از گام‌های بلند در شیب مثبت است.

پاها یا زانوها

با نیروی حاصل از بلند کردن زانوهای خود برای بالا رفتن از شیب مثبت استفاده کنید و یا گزینه دیگر این است که، بعضی از دوندگان متوجه می‌شوند اگر با پاهای خود به زمین فشار وارد کنند، عملکرد بهتری خواند داشت.

برای جزئیات کامل فرم دویدن در شیب مثبت، ویدیو کامل من اینجاست.

فرم دویدن در شیب منفی

وقتی به فرم دویدن در شیب منفی می‌رسیم، اوضاع کمی از فرم دویدن در شیب مثبت تغییر می‌کند.

وضعیت بدن

به جای اینکه مانند دویدن در شیب مثبت به سمت شیب متمایل شوید، در شیب‌های منفی، شما به سمت خلاف آن متمایل شده و آن تکیه می‌کنید. باید بدن خود را تا حد امکان عمود بر زمین نگه دارید تا بتوانید “به جاذبه زمین اجازه دهید از سراشیبی پایین بردتان”. برخی از دوندگان متوجه می‌شوند که اگر باسن خود را به سمت جلو حل دهند یا شما فکر کنید “از مچ پا خم شوید” وضعیت بهتری برای دویدن در شیب منفی پیدا می‌کنند.

حرکت دست

اشتباه بزرگی که دوندگان در شیب منفی مرتکب می‌شوند این است که دست‌ و شانه‌های خود را بالا می‌برند. این یک “نباید” بزرگ است. در عوض دست‌های خود را پایین بیاورید. این به شما کمک میکند تا از متمایل شدن به سمت عقب که در شیب‌های منفی یک “نباید” خیلی خیلی بزرگ است جلوگیری کنید.

آهنگ و ریتم (Cadence)

گام‌های سریع‌تر و کوتاه‌تر معمولاً بهتر از گام‌های بلند در شیب مثبت است. یک گام بلند اغلب باعث افزایش اور استراید و ایجاد فشار زیادی بر روی سیستم اسکلتی عضلانی می‌شود. دوندگان اغلب متوجه می‌شوند که برای جلوگیری بلند گام برداشتن، تمرکز روی فرود در میانه پا می‌تواند کمک کننده باشد.

حرکت دستهنگان دویدن روی باسن خود تمرکز کنید

در حالی که در شیب مثبت هستید به بلند کردن زانو هایتان فکر کنید، در شیب منفی باید به پشت خود فکر کنید. تمرکز کردن بر روی” مکانیک باسن” به قول گفتنی، به شما کمک می‌کند تا بر شیب مسلط شوید و به طور کلی سرعت بیشتری در شیب منفی داشته باشید.

سریع و کارآمد

آخرین نکته در فرم دویدن در شیب منفی این است که شما باید دو مدل داشته باشید. نوع اول سریع دویدن است.
به طور معمول، خم شدن بیشتر با شیب و ریتم سریع، بسیار عالی عمل می‌کند. این نوع فرم شیب منفی برای مسابقاتی که در شیب منفی به پایان می‌رسند ضروری است. به سرعت از کنار سایر دوندگان عبور خواهید کرد.

نوع دوم فرم شیب منفی که شما نیاز دارید، فرمی است که کارآمد باشد و فشار وارده بر سیستم اسکلتی عضلانی را کاهش دهد. دویدن در شیب منفی فشار بیشتری برای بدن دارد، بنابراین اگر در یک مسابقه طولانی با شیب منفی زیاد می‌دوید (به ماراتن بوستون فکر کنید)، باید فرمی را بیابید که برای بدن شما مناسب است.
این ممکن است با فرم سریع شما در شیب منفی متفاوت باشد اما قدرت پاهای شما را برای ادامه مسابقه حفظ می‌کند. آزمایش کنید و بدن خود را مشاهده کنید. شما به سرعت فرمی را پیدا خواهید کرد که در شیب‌های منفی برای شما کارآمدتر باشد.

فرم دویدن در شیب منفیبرای جزئیات کامل در مورد فرم دویدن در شیب منفی، ویدیوی کامل من در اینجا آمده است.

اضافه کردن شیب به برنامه خود

تمرین ترکیبی ایده آل

همانطور که قبلا اشاره شد، تمرینات شیب پس از آن که پایه دویدن خود را ساختید و قبل از آنکه به تمرینات سرعتی بپردازید بسیار عالی کار می‌کند.

در اینجا یک راه مرسوم برای تمرین ترکیبی دوندگان نیم ماراتن ،ماراتن و التراماراتن خود را ذکر می‌کنم:

یک مسابقه استقامتی دیگر در 6 ماه

برنامه ریکاوری ماراتن و نیم‌ماراتن – تا 4 هفته
برنامه تمرینی پایه – تا 8 هفته
تمرینات شیب (اختیاری) – تا 6 هفته
تمرینات سرعت (اختیاری) – تا 6 هفته
تمرینات نیم‌ماراتن، ماراتن و الترا ماراتن – تا 16 هفته
کل مدت تمرین = 16 تا 36 هفته

اضافه کردن شیب به برنامه خوداوایل برنامه

بعضی از دوندگان زمان لازم برای انجام کامل برنامه ترکیبی را ندارند. در نتیجه پیشنهاد میدهم تمرینات شیب را به ابتدای برنامه تمرینی مسابقه خود اضافه کنید. 4 تا 5 تمرین شیب را در 6 هفته ابتدایی برنامه خود پخش کنید. این کار موجب می‌شود تا آمادگی مواجهه با برنامه تمرینات مختص مسابقه خود را، در 6 تا 8 هفته آخر بالا ببرید.

اگر مسابقه پر شیب دارید تمرینتان را پخش کنید

روش دیگری که من تمرین شیب را اضافه می‌کنم برای دوندگانی است که مسابقه هدف شامل شیب می‌شود. اگر مسابقه شما دارای شیب‌های قابل توجهی است و یا احساس می‌کنید که باید روی تکنیک دویدن در شیب کار کنید، در سراسر برنامه مسابقه خود تمرینات دویدن در شیب را پخش کنید.

هر چه تمرین شیب شما با زمین مسابقه مطابقت داشته باشد، بهتر است.

مسیر شیب دار ندارید؟

در منطقه مسطح زندگی می‌کنید ولی در مسابقه با مسیرهای شیب‌دار شرکت می‌کنید؟ این یک سوال معمول است که با آن زیاد مواجه می‌شوم و دو جواب خوب برای آن وجود دارد.

بهترین راه حل تمرین شیب روی تردمیل است. با تغییر تنظیمات شیب تردمیل به بهترین حالت شیبی که می‌خواهید برسید. فقط فراموش نکنید وقفه موجود در تغییر از شیب مثبت به منفی و استراحت ما بین آن باعث می‌شود دویدن روی ترمیل در هر ست سخت‌تر از دویدن روی شیب واقعی باشد.

تمرین شیب روی تردمیلبعضی از دوندگان ساکنان مناطق مسطح از پارکینگ و پل‌ها برای تمرینات شیب خود استفاده می‌کنند. واضح است که انتخاب‌های محدودی دارید ولی از هیچی بهتر است. اگر به هیچ شیبی دسترسی ندارید تمرینات شیب خود را به فارتلک (بازی با سرعت) تغییر دهید و از لحاظ زمانی و افورت و ریکاوری و تعداد ست‌ها تطبیق دهید.

راه دیگر رفتن به باشگاه است هر تمرین پا به تقویت عضلات پا کمک می‌کند. اسکواد، لانگ، استپ آپ و تمرینات پله‌ای و دیگر تمرینات پا می‌تواند مفید باشد. البته هرچه تمرینات به حرکات طبیعی دویدن نزدیک‌تر باشد بهتر است.

تمرینات شیب به عنوان تمرین پلایومتریک

آخرین روشی که از تمرینات شیب استفاده می‌شود در تمرین پلایومتریک است. آرتور لیدیارد یکی از بزرگترین مربیان دنیا این کار را زیاد انجام داده است. بعد از آنکه پایه عملکرد ساخته شد دوندگان مسیر های شیب‌دار را دریل می‌دوند تا پاهای خود برای سختی‌های تمرینات سرعتی آماده کنند. این روش باعث کمک به کاهش آسیب‌دیدگی‌ها و بالا رفتن عملکرد در تمرینات مسابقات می‌شود.

تمرین پلایومتریکلیدیارد از سه نوع تمرین دریل دوی استفاده می‌کرد:

دویدن در شیب

با روش لیدیارد، شما برای سریع دویدن شیب مثبت را طی نمی‌کنید به جای آن تمرکز بر روی فرم دویدن در دریل‌های شیب است. برای انجام این تمرینات دویدن در شیب پلایومتریک، به بالا آوردن زانو‌ها توجه کنید و مسافت افقی زیادی را پوشش ندهید. مثل همیشه روی نگهداشتن وضعیت بدن در حالت ایده‌آل هنگان دریل‌دوی کار کنید.

هیل باندینگ

در روش هیل باندینگ، تمرکز روی به بالا و جلو خیز برداشتن در شیب مثبت است در حالی که حرکت بازوها به شما کمک می‌کند، شبیه به یک ورزشکار پرش طول در آخرین جهش پر فشارش قبل از پرواز به درون گودال شنی.

این دریل تماما در مورد قدرت و تلاش مضاعف در به جلو حرکت دادن بدن است. شما انرژی زیادی را صرف به جلو حل دادن خود روی زمین، صاف کردن پای عقبی و متعادل نگه داشتن خود در شیب مثبت می‌کنید.

هیل اسپرینگهیل اسپرینگ

در هیل اسپرینگ مانند تکنیک هیل باندینگ به جای به بالا و جلو جهیدن تمرکز خود را روی جهیدن به بالا می‌گذارید. این تکنیک محرکی بسیار قوی برای پا، مچ پا، آشیل و ساق پا فراهم می‌کند. به همین سبب است که این تمرینات پلایومتریک در شیب باعث پرورش دوندگانی می‌شود که از پس هر تمرین سرعتی بر می‌آیند.


این تمرینات بسیار پرفشار محسوب می‌شوند و باید آمادگی لازم را داشته باشید. لیدیارد هرگز اجازه نمی‌دهد دوندگانی که آمادگی لازم را ندارند این تمرینات را انجام دهند. دوندگان جوان‌تر معمولا سریع‌تر با تمرینات آداپته می‌شوند درحالیکه دوندگان مسن و مستعد آسیب‌دیدگی با ید با احتیاط بیشتری درباره استفده از این تمرینات دریل تصمیم گیری کنند.

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نتایج پایانی

من یکی از طرف داران دویدن در شیب هستم. من تمرینات شیب زیادی را در دوران دبیرستان انجام داده‌ام و حس می‌کنم این مزیت رقابتی را برای برنده شدن مسابقات ایالتی در من ایجاد کرد. بیست سال بعد، قبل از قهرمانی در مسابقات قهرمانی کشور در ماراتن تریل، از تمرینات شیب برای آماده سازی خود استفاده کردم.

در طول دوران دوندگی خود و اکنون به عنوان یک مربی، متوجه شدم که شیب‌ها مانند میان‌بری موفقیت هستند. به یکی از روش‌هایی که در این مقاله توضیح داده شده است، آنها را در برنامه خود بگنجانید و تقریباً همیشه یک مسابقه موفق خواهید داشت.

Cr: www.mcmillanrunning.com

عضویت در خبرنامه

با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Sciatica Exercises: 4 Stretches for Sciatica Pain

تمرینات سیاتیک ممکن است به شما در کاهش درد عصب سیاتیک در ناحیه کمر و ساق کمک کند. هر کدام از این تمرینات سبک شامل دستورالعمل‌های مکتوب است که به شما کمک می‌کند تا برنامه تمرینی خانگی سیاتیک خود را بهبود بخشید.

What Exercises Help Reduce Sciatic Nerve Pain?

There are four sciatica exercises your spine specialist may recommend to help you reduce sciatic nerve pain caused by degenerative disc disease: pelvic tilt, knee to chest, lower trunk rotations, and all fours opposite arm and leg extensions. Each low-impact exercise includes written instructions to help you fine-tune your sciatica home exercise program.

Pelvic Tilt

Purpose: To strengthen the lower abdominal muscles and stretch the low back.

How to perform a pelvic tilt:

  • Lie on your back.
  • Exhale and tighten your abdominal muscles while pushing your belly button toward the floor and flatten your lower back.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds.
  • Repeat the pelvic tilt 10 times holding the position for 5 seconds each time.

How can I tell if I’m doing the pelvic tilt right?

  • Place your pinky finger on your hip bone and thumb on your lowest rib (same side of your body).
  • As you tighten your abdominal muscles, the amount of space between your pinky finger and thumb should get smaller.

شیب لگن

Knee to Chest

Purpose: To help reduce nerve compression in your low back, which may help alleviate lower back pain.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Starting with either your left or right knee and use your hands to gently pull the bent knee toward your chest.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the movement with the opposite knee.
  • Perform the movement 3 to 5 times holding the position for 10 seconds each time.
  • Next, use your hands to gently pull both knees toward your chest.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the movement with both knees 3 to 5 times holding the position for 10 second each time.

کاهش درد عصب سیاتیک با زانو به سینه

Lower Trunk Rotations

Purpose: To increase your spine’s mobility and flexibility.

  • Lie on your back with both knees bent upright and both feet flat on the floor (called the hook lying position).
  • While holding both knees together, rotate your knees to one side and hold for 3 to 5 seconds. You will feel a gentle stretching sensation in the opposite side of your lower back and hip area.
  • Next, contract your abdominal muscles and rotate both knees to the opposite side and hold for 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Repeat up to 10 times on each side.

کاهش درد عصب سیاتیک با چرخش‌های پایین تنه

All Fours Opposite Arm and Leg Extensions

Purpose: To strengthen your abdominal muscles, low back and stabilize those areas.

  • Begin by positioning yourself on all fours.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles to help keep your back flat and straight.
  • Raise one leg upward behind you and straighten in outward.
  • Hold for 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Repeat the movement on your opposite side.

When you can perform this exercise 10 times with tolerable pain, you can add arm movement with each leg extension:

  • Extend the arm (opposite side from the leg) upward and outward in front of your body.
  • Hold for 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
  • Perform this exercise up to 10 times.

Furthermore, exercise causes your body to release endorphins

hormones that interact with pain receptors in the brain that can reduce perception of pain.
کاهش درد عصب سیاتیک با چهار دست و پا در مقایسه با نشر دست و پا

Can Exercising With Sciatica Hurt Me?

We urge you not to perform any of these exercises without obtaining your doctor’s advice first. Whatever your level of fitness, remember that even the best trained professional athletes exercise under the guidance of their doctor, physical therapist, or other healthcare expert.

There are different disorders related to degenerative disc disease that can cause sciatic nerve compression and sciatica. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis—what is the exact cause of your sciatic pain?—is an essential answer needed before considering any exercise program.


ویدئو تکمیلی تمرینات کاهش درد عصب سیاتیک


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Keep your expectations about resolving sciatica reasonable. Be gentle with your spine, don’t push yourself hard while doing the exercises to avoid exacerbating your sciatic pain or creating a new injury. If exercise increases your pain and/or causes nerve-related symptoms such as weakness, tingling sensations or numbness, stop and contact your doctor immediately.

Cr: www.healthcentral.com

عضویت در خبرنامه

با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Running Cadence: Why it Matters and How to Improve Yours

بخشی از زیبایی دویدن در سادگی آن است. شما نیازی به تجهیزات خاصی ندارید. تنها چیزی که نیاز دارید عزم و اراده و پاهایتان است. در عین حالی که این فوق العاده است، ما اغلب به سادگیِ عمل اجازه می‌دهیم تکنیک را تحت الشعاع خود قرار دهد.
At one point or another, most runners hit a plateau in pace or even become injured.
One solution to these issues could lie in your cadence.


Put simply, cadence – also known as stride rate – is the number of steps a runner takes per minute (SPM). It’s the most common metric used to measure running form and remains important for several reasons.

For starters, the shorter your stride length and the quicker your stride rate, the faster and better you run. If you have a low cadence, you likely also have a long stride. Runners who overstride tend to lock their knees and slam their heels to the ground on every step.
This slows you down, creates a choppy, bouncy gait, and puts extra pressure on muscles and bones, making you more susceptible to injury.

By increasing your cadence, you’re doing more than moving your feet faster; you’re changing the positioning of where your foot lands. Rather than having your foot land in front of your hips, with a higher cadence, it lands underneath you – in your center of gravity.

This naturally decreases your stride length and increases your turnover, which means you’re wasting less energy moving up and down (from the ground to the air and vice versa). Rather, your body is focused on moving forward, making you faster.

When you increase your cadence, you also limit the force with which your body hits the ground. If you have a low cadence, you’re spending more time up in the in-air displacing your body mass so you hit the ground much harder than if you had a high cadence. The more steps you take per minute, the less time you spend in the air, equaling a softer impact on landing.


For many years, running experts encouraged runners to increase their stride rate to 180 SPM to achieve optimal running economy. This was based on legendary running coach Jack Daniels’ analysis of the strides of elite distance runners at the 1984 Olympics. He found the fastest and most efficient runners had a cadence of at least 180 SPM, with some runners reaching as high as 200 SPM.

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But more recent studies show cadence is not one size fits all. Your optimal cadence depends on several factors, including your height, weight, and running ability. Cadence also varies based on the type of run you’re doing. A training or long run cadence will be slower than a speedwork or racing cadence, so you should determine your base cadence for your different types of paces (easy, normal, tempo, marathon, etc.).

یافتن آهنگ دویدنTo do this, find a smooth, flat surface. A track or long stretch of road works perfectly. From there, you have two options. You can:

  • Use the Wahoo Fitness app paired with a TICKR X heart rate monitor to automatically calculate your cadence – no math or counting required – by just running as much or as little as you like.
  • Count your steps as you run. You don’t need to count both feet touching the ground for an entire minute, just count the number of times your right foot hits the ground in 30 seconds and multiply it by four. Repeat this a few times to ensure accuracy.

Note you’re more likely to run naturally and less likely to adjust your cadence, whether consciously or not, when you run with the Wahoo Fitness app than when you’re concentrating on counting your steps. It’s similar to breathing – once you start focusing on it, it’s all you can think about it.


Now that you have a number, you can work on increasing your steps per minute for your different types of runs.

Simply take one of your base steps per minute and increase that by 5 to 10 percent to find your personal goal cadence number. For example, if your base running cadence is 162 SPM, your goal cadence should be between 170-178 SPM.

Even if it’s not as fast as the elites, this small increase will still improve your running performance and reduce your chance of injury.

And, like anything with running, it’s crucial you take it slow. You can’t increase your cadence overnight and if you try, you’ll likely get injured. It can take up to two months for your body to adapt to a faster cadence and for it to feel normal. Don’t increase your cadence for your entire run. Increase your cadence either by time one minute of a faster cadence followed by three minutes of your base cadence – or by Distance: run every third mile or so at a faster cadence.

Once that starts feeling like second nature, increase it slightly again and again until you reach your personal goal cadence number.

Run Smart

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Tehran Club group and online classes

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Some additional tips that can help you increase your steps include:

  • Run to a beat

    One of the most old-school yet effective ways to increase your cadence is by using a metronome; a device that produces a set number of beats or clicks per minute. Instead of counting your steps, you run to the rhythm where each beat equals a step. Don’t be surprised if after a while you start hearing the metronome rhythm in your head without it actually playing.

  • Focus on smaller steps, not on running faster

    Speed will come naturally after you increase your cadence. For now, think baby steps, literally. A treadmill is a great place to practice as you can set the pace.

  • Track your progress in real-time with the Wahoo Fitness app or on the RIVAL Sport Watch.

    Remember that it’s important not to increase your SPM too much, too soon, and the app can help you stay on track.

  • Do workouts geared specifically for faster turnover

    Workouts like downhill sprints and running in place train the muscles in your body to move quicker.

Runners of all abilities, from beginner to advanced, can benefit from working on their cadence. While adjusting your stride might feel a little awkward and unnatural at first, if you stick with it, you’ll be on your way to becoming a faster, less-injury prone runner.

Cr: eu.wahoofitness.com

عضویت در خبرنامه

با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Energy Gels for Running: How They Work and When You Should Take Them

The marathon brings many of those experiences to each and every one of us, but we are told that if we use energy gels , running will be much less miserable, and we will feel better in those final few miles of a race.

Is there a best energy gel for running?

Is there a best energy gel for running?Today, we’re going to outline exactly how energy gels and other carbohydrate supplements work, which will help you understand exactly when and how often you should be taking them to help you find the best energy gel for you.

Why Is It Important To Take In Energy Gels During A Race?

It wasn’t long ago that runners relied solely on water, sports drinks, and maybe some flat cola as their primary carbohydrate supplement during marathons and half marathons.
Dick Beardsley told us about how he would grab a cup from a spectator in a marathon, look to see if it “looked” clean, and if so, drink it…and this is someone who almost won the Boston Marathon and was the feature of Duel in the Sun, one of the greatest Boston marathon finishes of all time.
Dick Beardsley
You probably know by now that we like to think of ourselves as Boston marathon central, so we loved that story.
Luckily, our understanding of sports nutrition (specifically how glycogen is used during the marathon) has improved to the point that we now have an unlimited number of products to choose from, each designed to speed glycogen to our working muscles.
The problem these days is not in finding a glycogen delivery product, but rather in finding the best energy gel for you and then developing a strategic nutrition strategy to make sure you take in enough energy on race day.

Your body needs a lot of energy to run a marathon

Your body uses two primary sources of fuel to feed the muscles when you’re running – fat and carbohydrates.
Fat is a largely abundant resource, but is broken down into usable energy slowly, making it an ineffective fuel source when running anything faster than about 60-70% of your VO2max (roughly equivalent to your aerobic threshold or marathon pace).
Therefore, your body relies on carbohydrates as its primary fuel source when racing.
Your body needs a lot of energy to run a marathon
Here’s the deal: The faster you run, the greater the percentage of fuel will come from carbohydrates.
The problem with carbohydrates is that we can only store a limited amount in our muscles – even when you complete the perfect nutrition marathon taper. Typically, we can store about 90 minutes of muscle glycogen when running at half marathon pace and about 2 hours when running at marathon pace.
So, if you’re not an elite, you’ll be running out of muscle glycogen long before you cross the finish line.

Run Smart

Run Smart

Tehran Club group and online classes

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What do energy gels do?

They are designed to replenish carbohydrate stores that are depleted when running.
Sounds like energy gels are a savior, right?
Unfortunately, energy gels don’t provide a simple one-to-one replacement (something you won’t read on the label of your favorite gel) because the glycogen we ingest from gels doesn’t always make its way to the working muscles.
What do energy gels do?
Because carbohydrates are stored in both the muscles and the liver and your performance on race day relies on using the glycogen stored in the muscle.
For glycogen to make its way to the muscles, it must first be digested, make it’s way through the intestinal wall, and then absorbed by the muscles.
This process takes time and isn’t very efficient.
However, gels will often “wake you up” in a very noticeable way because our brain only runs on the glucose stored in the liver.
ژل‌های انرژی‌زا برای دویدن
What’s the bottom line?
energy gels help replenish the glycogen and calories you’re burning when racing hard.
Energy gels aren’t very efficient or a simple one-to-one replacement, so timing and frequency are critical factors to avoiding the bonk.

Should you take an energy gel for running a half marathon or 10k?

We recently looked deep into the research about races half marathon and under, and we had some interesting findings that showed even just swigging a sports drink (without swallowing) is enough to give you a boost in a shorter race.
Here’s what we found: A 5k is definitely too short to need carbs, either before or during your race

Should you take an energy gel for running a half marathon or 10k?When it comes to a 10k, it will depend on how quick you are. If you are able to run the 10k under 40 minutes, you do not need to take on any carbs, but if you run between 45-60 minutes, you should take a swig of a sports drink if you feel like you need to.
The benefits of taking on fuel do not make too much of a difference until you are running for 60-75 minutes though, so if you are running under that, there is not really a big need for it, unless you want to take something to wake you up!

When Should You Take Energy Gels For Running?

If only there was a simple answer to this, but:
Just like almost every facet of running, the timing of when you should take your gels is individual.
Each runner absorbs and processes carbohydrates at a different rate – some can feel the effect within three minutes while others might take up to 15 minutes. This variation in absorption rate has to do with how efficient your stomach is at digesting carbohydrate and the type of carbohydrate you’re consuming (which we cover in this article).

This is important: When running hard, your body often diverts blood away from the digestive track to help give your legs more blood (and therefore oxygen).
Sometimes, your body shuts the stomach down completely while other times it just slows down.
This is why it isn’t uncommon to see runners throw up fluids or gels right after ingesting them late into the race. Therefore, you want to begin taking gels relatively early into the race.
By taking the gels early, your body shouldn’t be under great duress and you have a better chance of processing the sugars faster and without stomach issues.

When should I start taking gels?

Somewhere between 45-60 minutes, depending on how well you generally react to gels in training.

Should I take a gel before the race?

Some runners like to take a gel right before the gun goes off.
While there is no problem with this from a physiological standpoint, I find it better to consume a more substantial breakfast, with less simple sugars.
This helps you avoid eating nothing but simple sugar for 3-4 hours.
 انرژی بار یا پرک جو دوسر
What’s the bottom line?
My suggestion for breakfast would be a bagel with peanut butter, an energy bar, or oatmeal. Read this article for a full breakdown of pre marathon nutrition guidelines.

How Often Should You Take Energy Gels For Running?

As we’ve already discussed, the speed at which you’re able to digest and process energy gels plays an important roll in how often you want to take them.
Because the digestion process will be slowed or halted the further you get into the race, you need to be careful not to overload your stomach.
Therefore, I suggest waiting about 45-60 minutes between gels before taking another one. Most runners should be closer to the 60 minute mark, especially if they have sensitive stomachs.
How Often Should You Take Energy Gels For Running?The second reason to wait 45-60 minutes between taking gels is that you don’t want to speed too much simple sugar into your blood stream at once.
Remember, the simple sugars from the energy gels will first be absorbed into your blood stream as glucose.
The sugar will stay in the blood stream until absorbed by the working muscles or other organs. If you continue to pump sugar into the blood stream, you’ll suffer the same fate as your children if left alone on Halloween – sick from too much sugar.
The other aspect to keep in mind is that your digestive track is trainable like most every other part of your body.
f you eat gels in training, particularly if you do it at set intervals that correlate to when you will take them during the race, your body will learn to keep the digestive track running and you will digest the gel more readily.
This is why it’s critical you practice your exact fueling strategy as often as possible in training.

What Else Do You Need To Know About Energy Gels?

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics of how energy gels work and how to properly strategize a marathon nutrition plan or half marathon nutrition plan, we’ll cover some practical tips that can help you execute on race day.

How to take energy gels if your stomach is upset

Like we’ve discussed, it’s possible that your stomach might shutdown during the latter half of the race.
If this happens to you and you’ve been unable to take energy gels late in the race, try eating only a small portion of the gel, but in closer intervals.
How to take energy gels if your stomach is upsetFor example, eat 1/4 of the packet every 20 minutes.
You’ll still consume the energy you need, but you’ll give your stomach a better chance to properly digest without getting sick.

ALWAYS take with water

Always take energy gels with water, never alone and NEVER with Gatorade.
Without water, energy gels will take longer to digest and enter the blood stream. If you take an energy gel with a sports drink, you run the risk of ingesting too much simple sugar at once.
Taken together, a gel and sports drink could be delivering close to 60 grams of pure sugar – yack.

Test out flavors and brands to see which energy gel is best for you

Not all energy gels are the same. Some are more viscous, some taste better, and each flavor can be delicious or wretched to another runner.
The important thing is that you have to experiment and find something that works.
کدام ژل انرژی‌زا برای شما مناسب استAt the 2008 Olympic Trials, Desi Linden (Davila) had trouble keeping down her fluids and gels. Everything she took in came back up. So, after fading to the finish, Desi implemented gels in practice, but even that process wasn’t smooth.
During long workouts, Linden would force herself to drink and eat gels, but her system still rejected it.
In her own words: “It was actually kind of disgusting”. However, knowing she could never make the podium if she didn’t figure out the issue, Desi continued to force her body to adapt.
Eventually she found the right combination of gels and fluids to train her stomach to handle the sugars and she went on to run 2:22 in Boston.
Next time you think “I just can’t do it”, imagine what an Olympian would say to that.

How To Make A Marathon Nutrition Plan That Works For You

As I’ve mentioned in this article, there are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to when and how often you should be consuming energy gels .

  • How many carbohydrates are you burning and how many do you need to replace?
  • How efficient is your stomach at digesting carbohydrates?
  • What type of sugar does your energy gel contain?
  • Will this need to change later in a race?
  • What type of gel is going to work best for you?
  • How do you factor in the sugar you take with your sports drink?


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These are the type of individualized questions that make following a generalized nutrition plan difficult. You need to develop a strategy that caters to your physiological needs. That’s why we’re conducting a special Marathon Nutrition Webinar.
During the webinar, we’re going to discuss how to calculate your physiological data (how many carbohydrates you’ve stored, what percentage of carbohydrates you’ll burn, how much fluid you’ll sweat, and more) along with a step-by-step plan in the final few days before the race to help you create a nutrition plan that works.

Cr: www.runnersconnect.net

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مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب

مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب

دومین دوره مسابقات فصلی تهران کلاب ویژه کلاسهای آموزشی برگزار شد.

مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب

این مسابقه بعد از وقفه سه ماهه و در شرایطی برگزار شد که آلودگی هوا و اتفاقات پاییز ۱۴۰۱ باعث شده بود که انگیزه و تمرین ورزشکاران تحت تاثیر قرار گیرد.

مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
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دومین دوره مسابقه فراتر از انتظار ما و با استقبال بسیار خوب و هیجان بسیار بالایی برگزار شد. امیدواریم بتوانیم به صورت منظم و مستمر این سری مسابقات را برای ورزشکاران عزیز کلاسهای تهران برگزار نماییم.

این مسابقه در تاریخ 28 بهمن 1401 در ماده 10 و در مسیر بوستان ولایت تهران برگزار شد. در این مسابقه 100 نفر باهم رقابت کردند.

مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب

به خانم ها و آقایان اول و دوم مدال فینیشری و تیشرت اهدا شد. همچنین نفرات اول رده های سنی نیز مدال فینیشری و تی شرت یاد بود تهران کلاب را به عنوان یادگاری، هدیه گرفتند.

You can see the results of these competitions as follows.

مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب
مسابقه پایان فصل زمستانی تهران‌کلاب

10k Men

1. محمد رحمانی 00:40:25
2. Meysam Rezaei 00:43:06
3. اشکان بهادری 00:45:20
4. پیمان دهقان 00:45:23
5. محمد شریف پور 00:45:39
6. محمدرضا طالبی 00:46:36
7. هومن فتاحی 00:46:36
8. مهدی ایزدی 00:47:36
9. محمد عظیم نژاد 00:48:32
10. حسن عباس زاده 00:48:45
11. علی حسن زاده 00:48:50
12. آرش امیری 00:49:02
13. فرهاد شکارچی 00:50:02
14. جواد نامور اصل 00:50:14
15. فرزاد مهربخش 00:50:25
16. محمد شاهبندی 00:51:57
17. محمد اقلامی 00:51:59
18. محمد امین محمدی 00:52:54
19. مهدی حسنی 00:53:04
20. مهریار عاصمی 00:53:06
21. حامد ملانقی 00:53:37
22. پوریار نصر 00:54:52
23. سروش لوءلوء 00:55:00
24. اصغر رفیع 00:55:56
25. سروش یاسی پور 00:56:04
26. آرمان موسی پور 00:57:01
27. یحیی رضانیا 00:58:02
28. اسماعیل حسن زاده 00:58:04
29. علیرضا نقی زاده 00:58:20
30. یاشار قلندران 00:58:20
31. حبیب کمایی 00:58:59
32. کاوه علینقی 00:58:59
33. علی نیک نشان 00:59:39
34. احسان بیگی 00:59:50
35. امیرحسین سادات 00:59:59
36. محمدحسن علیزاده 01:02:02
37. علیرضا بیگلر 01:04:26
38. حمید میرزایی 01:05:08
39. امین مهران شاد 01:05:28
40. علی حبیبی 01:06:12
41. مهرداد بهروزی نژاد 01:08:27
42. مهدی افشاری 01:08:29
43. علیرضا کریمی 01:13:13
44. محمد نجاریان 01:13:13
45. جلال برآبادی 01:14:00
46. کامیار علینقی 01:14:41
47. امیرکامبیز کردبچه 01:22:56

10 کیلومتر بانوان

1. آناهیتا ابوحمزه 00:48:59
2. شهره بهنام 00:49:12
3. سهیلا کاتب 00:50:59
4. سحر میرزاهدایتی 00:52:11
5. پرنیان فاضل نیا 00:52:29
6. سارا فرشادپور 00:53:56
7. غزال مفاخری 00:54:08
8. سوگند ضیایی 00:54:58
9. نسیبه شبیری 00:56:48
10. مهسا شیرازی 00:57:01
11. ریحانه فرهادی 00:57:27
12. الهام نظاری 00:57:54
13. مینا ملکی 00:58:10
14. مرضیه جعفری جوزانی 00:58:22
15. فاطمه نوروزی 00:58:41
16. مینا شکاری 00:58:59
17. لیلا جوینده 00:58:59
18. مهنام منفرد 00:59:16
19. پریسا حجاریان 00:59:17
20. محیا ترکمن 01:00:59
21. پونه غلامی 01:02:56
22. فهیمه شهیدی پور 01:04:41
23. نازنین مرادی 01:04:49
24. سیما جعفری 01:05:08
25. مریم رشیدی 01:05:18
26. یاسمین خنجاری 01:05:43
27. الهه عبدلی 01:06:04
28. مهنوش فرنادی 01:06:19
29. پرستو مهدی زاده 01:06:28
30. شقایق وزیری 01:06:44
31. نسترن فتحعلی زاده 01:07:29
32. شادی قائم مقامی 01:08:02
33. سارا احمدی 01:08:48
34. سحر صحافی 01:10:26
35. سپیده ضابطی 01:10:27
36. عاطفه امیری 01:10:35
37. فرنگیس نامنی 01:13:22
38. بهناز علمی 01:13:50
39. شراره اشتری 01:13:56
40. بنفشه صالح 01:15:06
41. صبا نیساری تبریزی 01:15:30
42. کیمیا حمیدی 01:16:48
43. پانته آ سرشار 01:16:57
44. اکرم حسن زاده 01:17:08
45. رزی محمدی 01:18:36
46. زهرا بابایی 01:19:37
47. زهره پورظفر 01:22:08
48. انوشه میمندی 01:24:17
49. صنم دربندسری 01:24:17
50. پانیذ حسنگانی 01:25:11
51. لعیا طحانی 01:26:21
52. فهیمه سادات حسنی 01:27:32
53. نیلوفر خسروبیگی 01:30:04

نفرات برتر رده سنی +45 آقایان

1. جواد نامور اصل 00:50:14
2. فرزاد مهربخش 00:50:25
3. مهدی حسنی 00:53:04

نفرات برتر رده سنی +40 آقایان

1. آرش امیری 00:49:02
2. فرهاد شکارچی 00:50:02
3. مهریار عاصمی 00:53:06

نفرات برتر رده سنی +35 آقایان

1. محمد شریف پور 00:45:39
2. مهدی ایزدی 00:47:36
3. حسن عباس زاده 00:48:45

نفرات برتر رده سنی +45 بانوان

1. الهه عبدلی 01:06:04
2. شادی قائم مقامی 01:08:02

نفرات برتر رده سنی +40 بانوان

1. سارا فرشاد پور 00:53:56
2. ریحانه فرهادی 00:57:27
3. سیما جعفری 01:05:08

نفرات برتر رده سنی +35 بانوان

1. سحر میرزا هدایتی 00:52:11
2. پرنیان فاضل نیا 00:52:29
3. غزال مفاخری 00:54:08
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Family championship in Dubai Marathon 2023

2023 Dubai Marathon Results
The first Dubai Marathon since 2019 was held today.

To get the results for amateur runners or see spltis or 5km leaderboards, go to the race’s timing website .

An interesting event in this period was the simultaneous championship of "Abdisa Tola" and "Dara Dida", the brother and wife of the world champion "Tamirat Tola".

The men’s race was won by world champ Tamirat Tola‘s younger brother, Abdisa Tola in 2:05:42 in his marathon debut. The 22-year old has a 59:54 half pb.

The women’s race was won by 2019 World XC silver medallist Dera Dida. Reuters is reporting that she is Tamirat Tola’s wife. So Tola’s brother and wife won Dubai. Wow.

In three previous marathons, Dida had never run faster than 2:21:45 or finished higher than fifth but she won in a 2:21:11 pb.

As in the past, Ethiopians dominate the ranking list.

Dera DidaIn the men’s race a pack of 13 men hit halfway in 62:31-62:33 but by 30k (1:28:53, 2:05 flat pace) the lead pack was down to 8.

At 40k (1:59:06 (2:05:38 pace), 4 men were still in contention.

Eventual race runner-up Deresa Gelete, who had a 2:07:30 pb coming in, skipped the drink station just after 40k and briefly led but Tola came back and started to break away around the 2:00:50 mark.

In the women’s race, 11 women hit halfway in a modest 71:36 but like in the men’s race the lead pack was down to 8 at 30k (1:41:25 – 2:22:38 pace).

The pace greatly accelerated between 30k and 40k as Dida ran the 5k from 30k to 35k in 16:40 and then ran 16:00 between 35k and 40k.

At 40k (2:14:05. 2:21:06 pace), Dida has a two-second lead on 2:18 marathoner Ruti Aga, the 2019 Tokyo champ, and she never relinquished it.

Iranians participating in this year's competition in Dubai, like every year, were able to get acceptable results.

It is noteworthy that the good runner of our country, Mohammad Haghigi, was able to remain in the leading group until the 30th kilometer, and Reza Abootorabi, an Iranian runner from Sweden, was able to register a time of 2 hours, 17 minutes, and 52 seconds to be placed in the fourteenth place among men.

In the women's 10 km race, Parisa Arab, the champion of Iran, was able to break the Iranian women's record with a time of 34 minutes and 41 seconds.


Dubai Marathon 2023 full movie

The results of the 2023 Dubai Marathon


  1. Tola Adera, Abdisa (ETH) 02:05:42
  2. Gelete Ulfata, Deresa (ETH) 02:05:51
  3. Alew Engdayehu, Haymanot (ETH) 02:05:57
  4. Abraha Adihana, Gebretsadik (ETH) 02:06:08
  5. Misgenaw Tegegne, Abraraw (ETH) 02:06:39
  6. Husen Gebi, Kemal (ETH) 02:08:09
  7. Alemu Moreda, Dechasa (ETH) 02:08:48
  8. Belay Mekonen, Alene (ETH) 02:09:19
  9. Assfaw Assen, Abdu (ETH) 02:09:46
  10. Nyakola Gela, Teresa (ETH) 02:10:01
  11. Negash Gebretsadik, Weldu (NOR) 02:13:00
  12. Mekonnen Asefa, Tsegaye (ETH) 02:13:24
  13. Girma Tolese, Adamu (ETH) 02:14:04
  14. Reza Abootorabi, Mohammad (SWE) 02:17:52


  1. Dida Yami, Dera (ETH) – 02:21:11
  2. Aga Sora, Ruti (ETH) – 02:21:24
  3. Yirga Dagne, Siranesh (ETH) – 02:21:59
  4. Wereta Admasu, Fikrte (ETH) – 02:22:50
  5. Getnet Belew, Tigst (ETH) – 02:23:17
  6. Kitata Tolwak, Meseret (ETH) – 02:23:53
  7. Hirpa Badane, Bedatu (ETH) – 02:24:48
  8. Gudeta Borecha, Bekelech (ETH) – 02:24:56
  9. Negash Amente, Sorome (ETH) – 02:26:40
  10. Mekasha Amare, Waganesh (ETH) – 02:27:25

Cr: letsrun.com

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Fundamentals of Heart Rate Monitoring

ضربان قلب و سرعت نظارت

Monitoring the heart rate during training is a common practice. In this post, some of the basics of heart rate monitoring and how to use this method in running classes of Tehrun Club are reviewed.

Heart rate is a metric pointing to the internal load or response of the body to hold a running pace. On the other hand, the split time you maintain while running a fixed distance – 200m, 400m or 1km – is the external load placed on the body.

It is important to understand this distinction.

Pace is objective while heart rate is subjective, variable and specific to a runner’s body. Heart rate is measured in beats per minute. When monitored in combination on a sports watch, heart rate and pace become powerful ways to modulate the training effort for meeting the session’s goals.

نظارت بر ضربان قلب

So why bother to monitor the rate of an organ pump in the body?

Here are some reasons to clarify this:

  • The heart is an organ pump which supplies a vital fluid to tissues and muscles – blood. Blood carries oxygen which is needed to power movement of muscular motors. Knowing the beat rate of this pump helps understand whether the supply side of running is met.
  • Under steady state running, heart rate shows a satisfactory linear correlation with an important physiological variable called rate of oxygen consumption rate, also called “VO2”.
    This is the aerobic economy of the body to hold a certain running speed, similar to the gas consumption in your car. Therefore, heart rate may be used as a surrogate measure of oxygen consumption at steady efforts.
  • Various environmental and non-environmental factors can affect heart rate. For example, illness, lack of sleep, poor hydration status, training in the heat and traveling up to altitude can all affect heart rate.
    Heart rate therefore becomes a “organic signal” of the internal status of the body.


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My years of training and coaching experience has settled on using heart rate as a response variable to monitor while using split time as primary variable to key in the external load for the session

When used in combination, they “speak” together something important about the total load of the session.

To monitor exercise intensity by heart rate, the range between maximum and resting heart rates are demarcated into training zones, typically about 5 zones.

The “Karvonen” method is a reasonable methodology to follow for this practice. A simple calculator exists on this website which explains the background:


As an example, a runner with a morning resting heart rate of 60 and a known maximum heart rate of 180 bpm (beats per minute) will have the following 5 zones:

Zone 1: 120-132 bpm
Zone 2: 132-144 bpm
Zone 3: 144-156 bpm
Zone 4: 156-168 bpm
Zone 5: 168-180 bpm

ریکاوری، اکسیداسیون چربی و ایجاد استقامت بهترThe general idea here is that recovery, fat oxidation and endurance building are best done in the lower and moderate zones (Zones 1-3).

Zones 4 and over are to pursue higher intensity running activity, which have a different session goal in mind. Generally, for endurance training, faster running sessions at zones 4 and above are pursued a great deal lower as a percentage of total time spent training when compared to lower intensity running in zones 2-3.

It is important to understand that heart rate zones are guidelines and not hard prescriptions. Zones are only as good as the inputs to make them so the resting and maximum pulse rates used in the estimation must be reviewed carefully.

Adaptation to running stresses are specific to the applied load. Running similar paces at lesser effort and lower heart rates can be considered a positive adaptation to training. Being able to run quicker at a higher heart may also signal a positive trend in stamina. Here, the ability to hold higher fractions of maximum heart rates at higher speeds may be justified as an ability to hold higher fractions of maximum aerobic capacity (VO2max).

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Heart rate monitoring opens up a world of possibilities to learn and ask questions of our own bodies on and off training. At I Love Supersport Dubai run sessions, our coaches guide runners with the proper use and interpretation of their heart rates. This holistic monitoring helps bring positive improvements in our runners over time.

Cr: dubai.ilovesupersport.com

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با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Running on a Treadmill vs. Outside

Running on a Treadmill vs. OutsideThe debate over running on a treadmill vs. outside is not a new one. Running outdoors can improve stability by forcing you to navigate ever-changing terrain. But a treadmill forces you to sustain speed and performance levels that might otherwise lag outdoors. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to the debate over treadmill vs. outside running. Both methods have their pros and cons based on your individual training needs and goals and both can have their place in your running routine.

Is Running on a Treadmill Easier?

Athletes can get the same workout whether running on a treadmill or outside as long as they maintain the same level of effort. But "effort" can be a subjective measure.

Clinically speaking, effort is based not only on your heart rate but on a phenomenon known as perceived exertion. Perceived exertion refers specifically to how "hard" you consider an activity to be, irrespective of how your body responds to that activity.

Perceived exertion matters because we tend to give up sooner if something is perceived to be difficult. This psychological component can influence how much we get out of one exercise compared to the next.

Treadmill Pros and Cons
However, if assessing the real, rather than perceived, benefits of running, outdoor running will usually come out on top. Even if you run at the same pace on a treadmill, you will generally expend more energy running outdoors. This difference in calorie burn is not only due to variations in terrain, weather, and wind conditions but also because the treadmill ultimately does a lot of the work for you by propelling you forward.

Treadmill Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
No weather or temperature constraints No weather or temperature constraints
Easy to control pace Can't make turns
Convenient Can be boring
Easier on the joints


Treadmills are one of the most popular pieces of cardiovascular equipment both at home and in gyms, thanks to the many advantages they offer.

No weather or temperature constraints

Running in inclement weather is uncomfortable, even if you dress for it. In hot weather, there is a risk of dehydration or heat exhaustion. And it's risky to run on snow and ice. Inside on a treadmill, you avoid these discomforts and risks.
No weather or temperature constraints
If you're running at home or at the gym, you're in a climate-controlled environment and safe from any inclement weather. You also don't have to worry about sunscreen, or about over- or under-dressing and being caught far from home without the right gear.

You Can Simulate (Some) Race Conditions

If you're training for a hilly marathon, you can run hills on the treadmill even if you don't have access to a training route with hills. Study the course and plan your treadmill hills for the appropriate points.

 شرایط مسابقه را شبیه سازی کنیدYou can even use treadmill runs to try out race day clothing and make sure your gear will work for you.

You Can Control Your Pace

Outside, it can be difficult to maintain a consistent pace. For this reason, treadmill training can be a good solution if you are coming back from an injury. The treadmill makes it easy to track your mileage and pace.

 سرعت خود را کنترل کنیدYou can also stop anytime you want. But you can also use the treadmill pace to push yourself.

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It's Convenient

Home treadmills let you run on your own time, even in bad weather, late at night, or when you need to keep an eye on your children.

You Can Multi-Task

On a treadmill, it's safe to use headphones to listen to music or podcasts. You can watch TV or even page through a magazine or book.

It's Easier on the Joints

It's Easier on the JointsTreadmills offer better shock absorption than pavement or roads, which means less stress on the ankles and knees. And when you run at an incline on the treadmill, you build strength and endurance like you would running hills outside. But you don't have to run downhill, which can be hard on your body.

You Can Run Alone and at Any Hour

Running indoors on a treadmill means you avoid the hazards of running outside. It's also safer than running outside by yourself, without a running partner or group.


While there are many benefits to choosing indoor treadmill workouts, it's important to know some of the dangers and drawbacks of treadmill running.

You Can Still Get Hurt

You Can Still Get HurtWhile treadmills are considered the safer option by most users, the CPSC reports that there are more than 24,000 treadmill-related injuries in the U.S. each year. These include sprains, falls, head injuries,2 and cardiovascular events in people who either ran too fast or pushed too hard. (But the figures for outdoor runners are much higher.)

You Can't Go Downhill

Most treadmills don't have a downward incline feature which you need to strengthen the anterior tibialis muscles at the front of your legs. If you're training for a race with lots of elevation changes, you'll want to train for downhill portions of the course as well.

You Can't Make Turns

Similarly, there are no turns on a treadmill, limiting your ability to improve your lateral agility.

Can be boring

Even with music or TV to keep you company, treadmill running for a long period of time can be tedious. While treadmills may be great for short interval runs or speed training, they can be very monotonous for hours-long running sessions.

Outside Running Pros and Cons

Outside Running Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Inexpensive Some risk of injury
Prepares you for road races Dependent on weather conditions
Burns more calories Can be dangerous
Provides more variety


From being outdoors with nature to people watching, there are many notable benefits of taking your run outside.


Running outside is free and you aren't constricted by a gym's schedule or the availability of machines. You don't need to purchase a gym membership or a treadmill to enjoy running outdoors.

You Can Continue Training Even When Traveling

Hotels can often suggest nearby routes. Running is a great way to check out a new place. As long as you take safety precautions and use a pre-planned route, running can be a great way to explore a new destination.

You Can Continue Training Even When TravelingIt Provides Sport-Specific Training for Road Races

By running outdoors, your muscles and joints will be more conditioned to the varied terrain you'll encounter in a race. Depending on your race, train on a track, road, or trail, and you can closely mimic your final race conditions. You'll be better able to adapt to changes in weather and know when to exert extra effort when faced with elevations or known obstacles.

It Allows You to Enjoy Nature and Breathe Fresh Air

Some research has even shown that exercise is more enjoyable when it's done outside.3 And you can explore a new place more quickly and easily while running. You cover more distance, so you see more sights.

It Can Be MotivatingIt Can Be Motivating

Running outside—whether you're planning a route to the end of the block or beyond—can be encouraging. It's also fun to complete a distance goal outside. Even if you're not motivated, if you're doing an out-and-back route, you still have to complete your route to get home.

Burns more calories

Thanks to wind resistance outside, you have to work a little harder to keep up your pace, which means a greater calorie burn.

Burns more caloriesCons

There Is a Risk of Injury

According to research from the University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, knee injuries are by far the most common, followed by lower leg, foot, and ankle injuries, respectively.4 Throughout the course of an outdoor running route, you can experience different and uneven terrain, potentially increasing your risk for injury.

You're Dependent on Weather Conditions

Whether you're running in winter or summer, inclement weather can happen at any time, leaving you running outdoors in sudden rain or snow.

You're Dependent on Weather ConditionsAdditionally, running outside means you're watching the heat and humidity index to avoid potential heat exhaustion in the hot summer months.

Can be dangerous

In addition to overuse injuries, there are other hazards outside, including falls, darkness, cars, cyclists, dogs, and other people.

Making the Choice

If your sole intention is to meet and maintain your cardiovascular fitness goals, a treadmill may provide all you need. By pairing the exercise with an accurate pulse monitor, you can push yourself appropriately while keeping well within your maximum heart rate (MHR).

 Running on a Treadmill vs. Outside On the other hand, when training for a race event, you will clearly benefit more from running outside. While you can incorporate treadmill running to improve your cardio health, experts generally recommend limiting it to no more than 40% of your overall training.

No matter your fitness goals, remember that where you choose to run is a personal preference. If you prefer indoor running versus outdoor running, you're more likely to commit to the routine, and vice versa.

The choice between treadmill running or running outside doesn't have to be an either-or decision. When you lace up and get moving, choose the best route for you. A combination of both may work for you, and if it's practical and fits your schedule, you'll reap the benefits of each.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is a treadmill or an elliptical closer to running outside?

Both the treadmill and the elliptical are great cardio machines if you're looking to work on your endurance. However, to most closely mimic the style and impacts of outdoor running, head toward the treadmill rather than the elliptical.

The elliptical can be a helpful cross-training tool, but a treadmill can best prepare you for outdoor runs or races.

How can a beginner start running outside?

Running can be an effective way to burn calories and to add movement to your routine. The many great benefits of the sport—especially if you're doing it outdoors—are that it requires few pieces of gear and can be done virtually anywhere.

To begin running, begin with an easy run/walk method that incorporates intervals of walking between short running intervals. With time, you'll begin to increase the running intervals and decrease the in-between walks. Follow a beginner's guide to running for even more helpful tips for new runners.

What treadmill incline is equivalent to running outside?

Because the treadmill belt propels your stride forward (unlike running on the road or track), many experts and treadmill runners adjust the treadmill include to 1% to account for the belt's motion.

Cr: verywellfit.com

عضویت در خبرنامه

با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Does Air Pollution Affect Running Performance?

Does Air Pollution Affect Running Performance?
As spring rolls in, many runners are grateful to be able to run outside without suiting up for freezing temperatures. But warm, sunny weather can also bring along another trademark of summer—air pollution.

In large cities and other areas with power plants, industrial centers, or just lots of cars, increased levels of pollutants in the air can become a real health hazard. When the air pollution gets bad, you’ll still probably want to get your run in. The question then becomes whether to put up with the drudgery of the treadmill or go outside and run in the polluted air.

This article will take a look at the effects of air pollution on athletic performance, with an eye both for training and racing in poor air quality.

تأثیرات آلودگی هوا بر میزان عملکرد هنگام دویدن

Air Pollution And Running – The Studies

The first major studies on air pollution and endurance were undertaken in the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, after it was decided that the 1984 Olympics would be held in smoggy Los Angeles. Another big round of research followed in the early 2000s leading up to the Beijing Olympics.

Fortunately, these studies looked at all of the questions we’d be interested in: Does air pollution affect performance? Does it affect health? And are there any ways to mitigate its effects?

What studies say

In a fairly detailed review article published in the months before the 1984 Games, Roy Shephard at Toronto Western Hospital described the effects on the body of polluted air. These were broken down by whether the chemical pollutants were oxidants or reductants.

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  • Oxidating smog, according to Shephard, includes carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, ozone, and oxides of nitrogen.
  • While oxidating smog comes mostly from car exhaust, reductive (in the chemical sense) smog is the result of coal power plants and other industrial burners discharging sulfur oxides into the atmosphere.
  • Among the pollutants in oxidant smog, carbon monoxide has a predictable, detrimental effect on your blood’s ability to transport oxygen using your red blood cells. The carbon monoxide diffuses into your blood through your lungs, occupying the oxygen bonding sites on red blood cells, and is very slow to be removed from your body. As the amount of carbon monoxide in your blood increases, your performance drops linearly, since there is steadily less blood available to carry oxygen. مونوکسید کربن از طریق ریه‌ها درون خون شما پخش می‌شود و نقاط پیوند اکسیژن روی گلبول‌های قرمز را اشغال می‌کند و بسیار کند از بدن خارج می‌شود. با افزایش مقدار مونوکسید کربن در خون، عملکرد شما به صورت خطی کاهش می‌یابد، زیرا خون کمتری برای حمل اکسیژن وجود دارد.
  • اکسیدان‌ها و تأثیر مضر بر توانایی خون شما In areas with heavy smog, like Los Angeles or Beijing, up to five percent of all of your red blood cells can be overwhelmed by carbon monoxide, and at these levels, even muscular coordination and perception of time can be impeded.
  • The other oxidant chemicals, like ozone and hydrocarbons, irritate your throat, nose, and airways. When you exercise in polluted air, ozone in particular causes chest tightness and coughing. Shephard cites a study which demonstrated an 11% decrease in oxygen intake after two hours of exposure to levels of ozone similar to those in polluted areas.


  • The chemicals in reductant smog have a tendency to irritate your lungs, because the sulfur oxides combine with water in the air or in your lungs to create acidity, which causes airway restriction along with the particulate matter also present in polluted air. This problem is especially severe in athletes who already have asthma.
  • Shephard also notes that the damage to the lungs and airways that results from air pollution exposure can also increase your risk for upper respiratory infections like the common cold. The reasons behind this—damage to the delicate tissue at the surface of the lungs and airways—appears to be the same reason deaths from chronic respiratory diseases increase when pollution is bad.

بالا رفتن آلودگی هوا

How does this impact your performance?

Other studies have also linked sulfur oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide to decreased athletic performance. Exposure to pollutants generally leads to a predictable, linear drop in your ability to take in oxygen.

A study by Wayne Walborg and colleagues, for example, found that higher levels of oxidants in the air were correlated with slower cross country race times among high school boys in the Los Angeles area.

ازون و مونوکسید کربن و کاهش عملکرد ورزشیMore work has also revealed that exercise exacerbates their effects, since the deep, heavy breathing you use while running both increases the total volume of air moving in and out of your lungs and also allows pollutants to bypass your nose, where the mucous tissues can trap some of the chemicals before they get to your lungs.

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Final Thoughts And Recommendations

Unfortunately, when it comes to mitigating the effects of air pollution, there is not a whole lot that can be done. Shephard recommends the following:

  • Taking vitamin E and vitamin C supplements to mitigate the oxidizing effect of some of the chemicals in smog, but admits there is scant evidence for their usefulness.
  • Aside from that, the best you can do is avoid the times of day with the worst air quality—rush hour in the morning and evening, for most American cities—and limit your time outside on days with particularly bad smog.
  • Especially if you have asthma, it might make sense to move a longer or faster workout to a day without as much air pollution, or do it inside on a treadmill.

کاهش اثرات آلودگی هوا

  • You can check the air quality index and the forecast at airnow.gov, which comes with some useful maps and guidelines for air pollution levels.
  • If you do decide to go ahead with a workout or race when air quality is poor, be aware that your oxygen intake will be impaired, so your times will likely be slower than on a day or in a city with clean air.

Cr: runnersconnect.net

عضویت در خبرنامه

با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Running In Bad Air Quality: What AQI Is Safe For Running?

Our lungs are pretty important when we are running, not to mention just for day to day life, so taking good care of them is a top priority.

Most athletes don’t smoke or inhale anything suspect, but what about what you breathe in that you don’t have control of?

In this article, we are going to explore:

  • What causes bad air quality and how it is measured.
  • What AQI is safe for running.
  • How running in bad air quality affects you.
  • 4 tips to avoid running in bad air quality.

Take a deep breath, and let’s get stuck in!

دویدن در هوای آلوده کیفیت عملکرد شما را کاهش می‌دهد

What Causes Bad Air Quality?

Air pollution is everywhere. From really low levels in the countryside to the heart of some Indian capitals where a thick smog smothers the buildings inside it, air pollution is just a part of life.
Air pollution is caused by certain particles of solids or liquids that are suspended in the air. A lot of these harmful particles are due to the burning of fossil fuels as well as forest fires, dust, and a host of other elements..

The build-up of this leads to air quality Becoming worse, which becomes harmful as you breathe them in. Air quality is measured on the Air Quality Index (AQI) .

Run Smart

Run Smart

Tehran Club group and online classes

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Does Temperature Effect AQI?

The worst air quality in the world is often in India, Mexico and China. Does the temperature in those countries make the AQI worse?

In extreme temperatures, both highs and lows, the AQI worsens.

During heat waves and other hotter climates, the air essentially ‘cooks’ and forms a thick smog of harmful chemicals. The nitrous oxide in the air from emissions combines with other chemicals in the air and becomes more unhealthy.

During heat waves and other hotter climates, the air essentially ‘cooks’ and forms a thick smog of harmful chemicals. The nitrous oxide in the air from emissions combines with other chemicals in the air and becomes more unhealthy.

در فضای بسته بدویدNumber 2, in cold air, emissions tend to get trapped at ground level in a process known as temperate inversion. Hotter air sits above the colder air at ground level and acts like a cap keeping the cold air from dissipating.

During heatwaves, you should try and run indoors to avoid the heightened level of pollution.

How Is The AQI Measured?

The Air Quality Index or AQI is a measurement from 0-500. The higher the number, the more potentially harmful the air quality is to you

This is broken into 6 main sections from Green for low air pollution up to Maroon, the highest level of air pollution. This makes it easier to understand at a glance;

  • Green: Good. 0-50. Good means it is perfectly safe to exercise outdoors.
  • Yellow: Moderate. 51-100. A rating under 100 is still safe to go outdoors and exercise. If you are sensitive to the pollutants in the air then your breathing may be affected,but for non sensitive individuals, you are ok.
  • Orange: Healthy people may not be affected for every day life, however when exercising, all people may experience breathing problems while out running. Sensitive individuals should avoid running outdoors and exercise inside.
  • Red: Unhealthy. 151-200. Everyones breathing will be affected by the pollution in the air, so exercise inside to avoid being exposed for prolonged periods of time.
  • Purple: Very unhealthy to run outside, so stay indoors.The level of pollution can lead to serious health problems to all individuals.
  • Maroon: Hazardous. 301-500. Do not go outside and keep looking at local advice of what to do next. Maybe think about running on a different day.

Air Quality Index

How Do You Measure AQI?

This is easier done than said: look it up!

Go online and look it up for your area, and you will find out all of the statistics about air quality. Alternatively, there are loads of apps for tracking the quality of the air around you.

For a look at the AQI worldwide, here is the world AQI, or to see what the air quality is near you search on IQAir.

Some great apps to look at at a glance:

  • IQAir AirVisuals
  • Air Matters
  • Plume Labs
  • AirLief

So What Does This All Mean To You?

Any rating above Green is considered unhealthy, meaning the air quality could adversely affect your body over time. This includes the performance of your heart and lungs.

For general day-to-day life, you may not even notice low to moderate air quality. You may feel some irritation in your eyes, nose and throat. You may experience shortness of breath if the AQI is higher, or you are sensitive, but all in all, just another day at the office.

When AQI is rated Unhealthy, you often see people wearing protective masks while going about their day to protect them.

But what about running in bad air quality?

Do you want to be running around in a cloth mask for the rest of your days? I don’t think so.

Running In Bad Air Quality

What AQI Is Safe For Running?

When running, your breathing rate increases from around 15 litres of air per minute to 100 litres or more per minute. All this air that goes in takes a lot of what is in the air in with it.

A rating below 50 is perfectly safe to run in. Running in an AQI of between 51-100 for most people who are healthy is fine to run in, however over time may become unhealthy. This is especially true for sensitive individuals.

Any other reading over 100 is unhealthy and should be avoided.

A study from the European Heart Journal showed that people living in low to moderate levels of air pollution who decreased their level of activity increased their risk of getting Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).

When this same group increased their level of physical activity, they decreased their risk of CVD. This showed that the positive impact of exercising outweighed the risk of breathing in the low to moderate levels of air pollution.

However, once the air pollution increases beyond this moderate level, increased physical activity also increases your risk of CVD, so the risk of breathing in harmful particles outweighs the benefits of exercise.

The same goes when decreasing your level of physical activity; your risk of CVD also increases.

Now, this all may seem a bit doom and gloom but for most people in the world, running outside has a positive influence on your life. The positives outweigh the negatives.

A green or yellow rating means lace up and head out running, you are doing yourself good, and making yourself healthier.

چه AQI برای دویدن ایمن است

Running In Bad Air Quality

If you open up your phone and there is a daunting looking red warning for air pollution, then maybe you need to reconsider when or how your run is going to go.

If you do go out running in bad air quality and ignore the signs, as well as potentially harming yourself long term, you may experience shortness of breath and irritation to your eyes and throat.

This isn’t the enjoyable running experience we are looking for every time you head out the door. So what can you do?

So what can you do?

The simplest solution is to use a treadmill. You can run indoors at any time and not have to worry about running in bad air quality.

 استفاده از تردمیل و دویدن در فضای بسته

Plus, the treadmill has the bonus that you can watch the latest episode of your favourite show while you run- multi-tasking at its finest.

There is no need to worry if you don’t have a treadmill; your local gym will have plenty. Going to the gym to run might not seem like your cup of tea, but it can be a great experience. You get to talk to fellow runners while you run and meet people you might not meet in everyday life.

Yes, it does cost a bit of money, but going to the gym is very affordable for most people, especially if you end up going 2 or more times a week. Plus, you can maximise your profits by squeezing in a workout while you are there.

If you want to see what lifting weights can do to improve your running game, look at our article on weight lifting.

But just because you may live in a congested area doesn’t mean you cannot run outside.

2 Tips To Avoid Running In Bad Air Quality

Here are my top tips to help you maximise your opportunity to run and enjoy the outdoor space.

#1 Avoid Where The Cars Are

Cars and other vehicles are a huge contributing factor to poor air quality. So if you want to go out running even if the air quality is good, it is a great idea to avoid congested areas.

This is especially true for rush hour traffic. All those cars sitting still with their engines running. This leads to a lot of fumes being produced. Not good for you and your lungs.

جلوگیری از دویدن در اوج ترافیک So when you head out avoid running down busy roads if you can and avoid peak traffic times to avoid running in poor air quality.

If you cannot escape to quieter side roads and you live in the middle of a large city, stay out of the busiest and most tightly built-up areas.

If you are surrounded by tall, closely packed buildings, it is often hard for fresh air to ‘fill’ the space around you, and all the harmful fumes get trapped. So to avoid running in bad air quality, try to find the most open space you can for training in.

#2 Run In Wooded Areas Or Parks

If you picture the area with the cleanest air quality, you will probably think of a quiet forest or open fields with lots of green plants and trees around. And you would be right.

The trees and plants help keep those nasty toxins at bay, mainly because you don’t see many cars driving through the park, but also because those trees produce oxygen as they enjoy the sunshine.

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If you have a park or some smaller paths around where you live, it can be a cleaner run for you and also you might find new areas to explore. Often while running off the beaten path, you stumble across lovely photo-worthy sights and new routes to follow.

در مناطق جنگلی یا پارک‌ها بدوید

It’s always a good idea to go and see new places and experience new sights. If you have a bit of time off, such as on the weekend, travelling far away from where you usually train and going for a run can be a lot of fun.

If you are always in the city, travel to the outskirts or into the country, or if you live near the sea but rarely go, run barefoot in the sand and soak up the sun.

The idea is to make a day trip out of it. Enjoy the new space, breathe in that fresh air, have a coffee and return happy.

So, now I hope you will be able to enjoy running where ever you live and continue to get the most out of your body.

Maybe you’ll want to make the most out of your body with a new training plan?

Check out our Half Marathon Training Plans or our Marathon Training Plans, and don’t let poor air quality stop you from reaching your goals!

Cr: Marathon Handbook

عضویت در خبرنامه

با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Running saved my life

When depression hit, Zoe Margolis felt suicidal. Pills and therapy did nothing to help, but then she got out her old trainers and began to jog

t the start of this year, I was in the depths of the worst depression I have ever experienced. My public face was a mask of success, confidence and happiness, but, privately, I was defeated.

The long-term relationship that I had hoped would last the rest of my life and lead to children had ended, painfully. Work was at a standstill and I was broke. I felt overweight and unhappy with my tired, sluggish body, and was unable to concentrate on anything apart from my persistent grief and self-loathing.

I am a writer who has always written openly about my thoughts and feelings, so my inability to do so didn’t seem like writer’s block – my entire existence felt worthless.

I thought about suicide

Every waking moment was filled with crushing anxiety and heavy sadness. I couldn’t sleep, and all I seemed to be capable of achieving each day was crying, mourning lost opportunities both personal and professional. After months of a broken heart, I felt I had used up all my “listening ear” favours with friends, and that my permanently low mood made me unattractive company. I longed for quiet, for my brain to shut up. I was isolated, overwhelmed and suffocated by my depression. I considered suicide and began to self-harm. I found that external pain temporarily numbed my internal pain. I knew I was at my lowest ebb.

I’m not sure exactly how I moved on from that. Doctors, pills and therapy had done nothing to remove the darkness that hung over me like a rain cloud. Medical professionals had suggested that I try exercise, but their advice had fallen on deaf ears. When you lack the energy even to get out of bed in the morning, the last thing you need to hear is that you should pull yourself together and go to the gym.

But something in me, of my own accord, began to shift. It was subtle and quiet, but present: it was a vague desire to move – to put one foot in front of the other and go forwards. To get out of bed, out of the home I had shared with my former fiance, and leave the bad stuff behind me.

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 Walking in the local forest park

I began walking in a local nature reserve. I would walk until the panic lessened and, instead of hearing my own whiny voice in my head, I became aware of the birdsong around me. This escapism became a daily focal point and soon my walks got faster and longer. After a few weeks, walking wasn’t fast enough to keep up the momentum of movement required to quieten my mind: it made more sense to run.
Years ago, I had taken up running to recuperate from a back injury. I had enjoyed it, but my trainers had been gathering dust in my cupboard for some while. When I decided to pick them up again, it felt quite daunting, but the challenge of putting my shoes back on and getting out there seemed easier than facing my depression; running was an appealing distraction.

So that was how I found myself, on a freezing cold February morning this year, running in my local park. It was dark, miserable and pouring with rain. As I jogged, years of stiffness and pain in my muscles, I kept thinking: “Zoe, if you can do this, if you can make it through how grim and horrible it feels right now, you can make it through anything.” Six months later, and I know it to be true: I have not just made it through, I have survived.

Every step I have taken in the past few months has been a step away from pain, a step closer to feeling better. When I run, I know that at some point endorphins kick in, positive brain chemistry happens, and I feel brilliant.

There is science behind that, obviously, but to me it is a simple equation that needs little explanation: I feel crap, so I run, and afterwards, sometimes for days, my depression lifts. It is not a magical cure, and I’m sure it doesn’t work for everyone, but it keeps a lid on it for me. I never expected running to lessen my depression and am surprised, daily, that it does. For me, it is truly a lifesaver.

Running is a lifesaver

Alongside running, I have also become keen on living and eating more healthily. Using MyFitnessPal and Runkeeper apps and wearing a Fitbit has helped me to shift my focus to leading a more active life. As a result, I feel fitter than I have for years and I am almost 13kg (2st) lighter, which makes exercising easier.

I adore how my body has changed, becoming firmer and more powerful. When I look in the mirror now, instead of hating my reflection, I see strength, determination and beautiful muscles. I like who I am and, every time I run, I like myself even more. I am impressed by my body’s new abilities and, when I improve my speed or distance, or just have a good run when I am hungover or lacking sleep, I feel as if I have won a prize. The reward, however, is not a medal, but the achievement of being alive – and thriving.

As Haruki Murakami, author of What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, says: “Most runners run not because they want to live longer, but because they want to live life to the fullest.” Discovering that running makes me happy – wanting to enjoy every moment of being alive – has finally given me something to live for.

Cr: theguardian.com

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با عضویت در مجله دو تهران، در دنیای دویدن به روز باشید.

Seasonal competitions of Tehrun Club

Seasonal competitions of Tehrun Club

Starting this summer, Tehran Club plans to hold a competition under the title of Seasonal Competitions for athletes who are members of Tehrun Club and classes.

Seasonal competitions of Tehrun Club

Since the number of classes and athletes in Tehrun has reached more than 300 people, we thought of holding intra-team competitions this year. The purpose of holding such competitions is to motivate the participants of Tehrun Club classes. In addition, due to the limited number of domestic competitions and the high costs of international competitions, many people will not be able to participate, and therefore these competitions will be an opportunity for them to test themselves.

Seasonal competitions of Tehrun Club

The first round of the competition exceeded our expectations and was held with great reception and excitement. We hope to be able to regularly and continuously organize this series of competitions for the beloved athletes of Tehrun classes.

This competition was held on the 16th of September 2022 in two disciplines of 10k and 21k (half marathon) in Velayat Park’s route in Tehran province. 91 people competed in this event.


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Cash prizes were awarded to the ladies and gentlemen of each race who were winners or runner-ups. Also, the winners of the different age groups were given Tehran Club T-Shirts as souvenirs.

You can see the results of these competitions as follows.

10k Men

1. Hooman Fatahi 00:45:03
2. Meysam Rezaei 00:45:47
3. Saied Kiani 00:45:55
4. Mohammad Mosaheb 00:48:03
5. Arash Amiri 00:49:45
6. Farhad Shekarchi 00:50:18
7. Mahdi Izadi 00:51:05
8. Arman Hosseini 00:51:30
9. Mehryar Asemi 00:53:47
10. Akireza Keivani 00:53:53
11. Sina Soltani 00:54:51
12. Mahdi Hassani 00:55:00
13. Ramin Soltani 00:55:10
14. Shahed Halaj Neishaboori 00:57:23
15. Arman Mousa pour 00:59:29
16. Yahya Rezania 01:53:00
17. Mohammad Hassan Sadati 01:01:50
18. Siavash Rezabeigi 01:05:55
19. Alireza Naghi zadeh 01:06:40
20. Ali Nik Neshan 01:09:25
21. Kambiz Kord Bache 01:09:36
22. Naser Parsaei 01:15:43
23. Hamidreza Momenin 01:20:20

10k Women

1. Shohre Behnam 00:48:58
2. Soheila Kateb 00:49:58
3. Leila Hashemi 00:53:00
4. Behnoosh Behdad 00:54:47
5. Reyhaneh Farhadi 00:56:40
6. Elham Nezari 00:58:00
7. Fatemeh Nowroozi 01:01:22
8. Leila Jooyandeh 01:02:11
9. Zahra Babaei 01:02:39
10. Haniyeh Kermani 01:03:52
11. Hamideh Sadrameli 01:04:19
12. Fahimeh Shahidi pour 01:05:08
13. Paria Sabet 01:05:41
14. Mehrnaz Akbari 01:06:17
15. Mahdieh Rajabzadeh 01:06:30
16. Elahe Abdoli 01:06:43
17. Yalda Abidi 01:07:10
18. Dorna Sabet 01:07:58
19. Banafshe Kermani 01:08:10
20. Maryam Rashidi 01:08:38
21. Marzieh Jafari Jozani 01:09:25
22. Sara Ahmadi 01:09:25
23. Mahnoosh Farhadi 01:10:00
24. Mandana Ghorbani 01:11:39
25. Solmaz Zabihi 01:13:03
26. Sharzad Ostorvart 01:13:48
27. Narges Namdari 01:14:50
28. Ravina Safari 01:16:30
29. Rozhano Arjooni 01:17:30
30. Fatemeh Mahmoodi Panah 01:19:55
31. Sanaz Hosseinzadeh 01:30:55

21k Men

1. Mohammad Azim Nejad 01:46:00
2. Arash Rahimi 01:46:46
3. Mohammad Aghlami 01:57:57
4. MohammadHassan Alizadeh 02:02:57
5. Seyed Ali Heidari 02:08:00

21k Women

1. Sara Farshadpour 02:04:22
2. Sima Jafari 02:13:15
3. Morvarid Jomeh 02:30:00

The best people in the age group

1. Behnoosh Behdad 00:54:47
2. Mahdi Hassani 00:55:00
1. Reyhaneh Farhadi 00:56:40
2. Arash Amiri 00:49:45
1. Elham Nezari 00:58:00
2. Mohammad Mosaheb 00:48:03
Run Smart

Run Smart

Tehran Club group and online classes

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